The Grouse Grind – A Love/Hate Relationship

I love the feeling of completing the Grind, but I hate actually doing it.

To give some background on the Grouse Grind; it’s a 2.9km long ‘hike’ that just head straight up, constantly, at a 30 degree incline for a total elevation gain of 853m and comprises of 2,830 steps (give or take). It’s not an enjoyable hike through the mountains, there are no views until the top, it’s a work out, an endurance challenge.

Depending on who in Vancouver you speak to about the Grind you can get one of two varying opinions, either “The Grind is a Vancouver right of passage, it something you have to do at least once.” or “The Grind is a tourist trap that should be avoided, real Vancouverites don’t actually do it.” I fall into the first category. I understand it’s not a pleasant hike, I go into it fully aware it’s a challenge and you do it to complete it. Because it’s there.

Last weekend I completed the Grind for the 3rd time and from five minutes in until I finally reach the top I hated it and was mad at myself for doing it again, and being stupid enough not to remember what it was like. I sweated, huffed and puffed, my heart pounding in my ears and out my chest, I wanted to give up and walk back down, and yet I didn’t, I soldiered on and grinded (pun intended) on until the end.

Then at the top I regained my breath, the sweat cooled, and as the endorphins kicked in I started to get a sense of pride and accomplishment from having completed it and persevering despite the endless desire to stop. I even managed to beat my personal best by a minute and a half (which now stands at 1:15:42), although I am still twenty minutes behind Canadian Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau, and he even filmed an election campaign promo video at the peak, top lad.

Before I had finished the gondola ride back down I was all ready thinking about when I would do it again. I strive forward to get better, faster, and stronger in the hope that one day I can get my time down to under one hour.

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