About me

You’ve reached this page either by clicked on the wrong link or to pursue your curiosity about the man behind the curtain who runs this blog. To give you a quick knowledge fix here are the top eight facts about me you should know:

  1. I’m a 31-year old Englishman living in Vancouver, Canada.
  2. Unsuccessfully studied Astrophysics at the University of Kent.
  3. Married to my Kent University (college) sweetheart, Saphiya in 2014.
  4. Proud parent to a chocolate labrador named Nelson and a tabby cat called Mira.
  5. Coffee aficionado and enthusiastically planning to open my own coffee house in the near future.
  6. Lover of the the mountains and enjoy all the adventures they offer; hiking, climbing, kayaking, camping, biking, rafting, skiing, you name it and I’m up for it.
  7. Film enthusiast, mainly watching but sometimes making. I did make this one film with the London Academy of Film, Television and Radio. It’s kinda trippy. Check it out if you want: “Dummy”
  8. Global wanderer; there are many places I would love to visit and hopefully I will get to. Currently travelled to 18 countries and yet that doesn’t even start to cover the places I want to go.


This is by no means the memoirs of a successful entrepreneur, an accomplished adventurer, or a world travel expert. It’s of someone aspiring to do these things, which is not to say that I haven’t had my fair share of adventures and world travels (18 countries and counting); I just know there is so much more out there and I’m ready and eager to see it.

The world and new adventures seen through my eyes, I hope you find this blog interested and informative.

Other Mountains ….

Aside from the actually geographical mountains I want to conquer there are things I want to accomplish with my life;

I enjoy reading, curling up with a nice cup of tea, on the sofa with my dog Nelson lying next to me. That’s the best way, however, I will also settle for the morning commute cramped in with a bunch of other Vancouverites finding excuses not to talk and to avoid that one crazy on the bus (if you can’t see them, it’s you). To make sure I cover the full spectrum of literary greats I’m going to read the following list:

Modern Library Top 100 Novels

Currently reading: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Last read: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

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